If your particular requirement is not listed here, don't hesitate to reach out and see how we can help. We operate a wide range of equipment and can manufacture bespoke tools to complete your job.
Lawn Drainage
Commercial Lawns
Roadside Berms
Cleaning Artificial Sports Surfaces
Camping Ground Lawns
Lawn Maintenance
General Landscaping
Minor Earthworks
Consulting Services
Bowling Green Plinth Construction
Equestrian Arenas
Tennis Courts
Miscellaneous Services & Equipment
Townsend Turf operates a range of equipment necessary to achieve high-quality results in the turf and levelling industry.
Dual Axis Levellers
Dimple Seeder (sowing couch)
Aera-vator (surface decompation)
Rotary Hoe
Tractor Loader
Tractor Sweeper
Seed and Fertiliser Spreader
Drop Spreader
Laser Surveying Equipment
Levelling Screeds
Tipper Truck
4x 35Hp Tractors
1x 100Hp Tractor
Machine Development
Townsend Turf has a history of designing and building equipment to increase efficiency, capabilities and providing solutions for unique situations. For decades Townsend Turf has used their cultivating, levelling and undersowing machine, the Turf-Mate. The Turf-Mate is available for sale and can be built to size. With in-house CAD, machine design and manufacturing expertise, reach out if you need your vision made into a reality.