Bowling & Croquet Greens

Bowling and Croquet greens are very low-toleranced surfaces that require precise work. Townsend Turf is the preferred contractor (endorsed by Bowls NZ) to construct, relevel or improve your green. Decades of experience and specialist laser-guided equipment ensure the project is always completed to a high standard, saving time and money.

Contact Townsend Turf if your green is substandard for any reason, we can provide a comprehensive report to outline any issues and the most appropriate solution.

Townsend Turf are the most experienced in bowling and croquet green renovations having renovated 24 greens in the last 5 years and repaired all damaged greens following the Christchurch earthquakes.

Bowling Green Renovation
Bowling Green Renovation
Bowling Green Renovation
Bowling Green Renovation
Bowling Green Renovation
Bowling Green Renovation
Bowling Green Renovation
Bowling Green Renovation
Seedbed preparation
Seedbed preparation

Bowling Green Plinth

Townsend Turf is experienced in installing quality plinth boards designed to stand the test of time. With a laser-levelled height, the boards are strong and straight to maintain a crisp edge to your green.

Townsend Turf has now developed a new plinth board system allowing the boards to be raised as the green is topdressed eliminating the need for capping.